
Basic parameters of the work:

Double lock-gate closures
Number of openings (closures) 2
Light width of the opening 4.50 m
Bearing threshold level 110.50 m a.s.l.
Operational water level 112.50 m a.s.l.
One-hundred-year water level 113.50 m n.m.
Pillar crest level 114.50 m a.s.l.
Height of the lock-gate 2.20 m
Maximum lift of the lock-gate 2.95 m
Stopgap closure
Number of openings (closures) 2
Light width of the opening 4.50 m
Bearing threshold level 1105.50 m a.s.l.
Operational water level 112.50 m a.s.l.
Height of the lock-gate 1.10 m
Number of lock-gates 2
Total damming height 2.20 m

Weir at the confluence of S VII and A VII channels:

The construction of the weir was designed for enabling manipulation of water level in individual channels and for needs of reliable water abstraction to Boheľovský Pond. The weir is constructed as a one-piece monolithic block, which is fitted with two double lock-gates for S VII channel and one double lock-gate for A VII channel. Both channels are interconnected by a by-pass with a stopgap damming. The outlet to Boheľovský Pond is dammed with a plate lock-gate. The facility was founded in a sheeting construction pit by means of a sheet pile wall and injected bottom. Inlet and outlet wings are constructed by vertical prefabricated walls. Communication is secured by bridges.

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