Get important information about company VODOTIKA, a. s.
See VODOTIKA, a. s.. company projects – Engineering, Dams, Hydroelectric power plants, Flow adjustments, Small hydropower plants, Land, Mixed-use buildings.
Company VODOTIKA, a. s. is ISO 9001 certified.
We will gladly answer all your questions. Contact the VODOTIKA, a. s. company.
Civil engineering constructionDams
Civil engineering constructionDamsFlood protection
Protection dam Svacenický Jarok is a part of flood protection of the area, which is located in the Western Slovakia in a Cadastral zone of Myjava town.
(Slovenčina) Stavba Polder Oreské slúži na protipovodňovú ochranu územia nachádzajúceho sa pod navrhovanou stavbou.